четверг, 6 ноября 2008 г.

Currency exchange chart redesign

Redesign for currency exchange chart (USD/EUR/JPY to RUR):

and mini-version:

All of these for GMail — just because i do not use iGoogle.

Currency exchange as a Safari Snippet

You can use this URL (or that) to make Dashboard snippet for currency exchange plot.

понедельник, 3 ноября 2008 г.

Currency exchange plot for GMail

RUR/USD and RUR/EUR currency exchanges and three scales of plot (scales changing by clicking on plot). With GMail sidebar width.

Plot (chart) made with Google Charts API.

Gadget page

воскресенье, 2 ноября 2008 г.

Google Gadets Renew

Currency converter gadget had been renewed lately. Generally due to height issues:

It's also posted to gadgets directory.

Also, there is a new compact and narrow version especially for GMail —

Here it is — http://avc-cbrf-gadget.googlecode.com/files/cbrf_gmail_v2.xml